Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Street candids, 30's, 40's, or 50's??

I'm baaaaaaaack!  After a few weeks away I decided to bust things out with a few candid pictures taken out on the street sometime in the 30's, 40's, or possibly the 50's?  I have no idea at all.  Readers of my blog will know that I just LOVE candid pictures of stars in unguarded moments just being themselves.  Here's a few that and if you have any information on them don't hesitate in contacting me and letting me know the era or the other people in them.  ENJOY!!

Ed and Keenan Wynn

Judy Canova (in the back) and Gail Patrick

 Jane Withers with her 1st husband, Bill Moss (thanks Ian Elliot!)

Vincent Price and wife Edith Barrett (thanks to Penfold for the ID!)


pitchertaker said...

Love Ed and that young whipper-snapper son of his...

Penfold said...

I think that's Mrs Price #1, Edith Barrett.

Louie said...

That's what I thought too, but you can never be too sure.

Unknown said...

Great photos, I adore Vincent, he was so dashing!

Manic Minx said...

such lovely photos, classics! thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

I love Peggy Cummings' suit

50sme said...

I just love Ed Wynn. Always a favorite of mine.

writer jobs said...

I have never seen this pics before! All this stars there are so cute!