Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"The Golden Calf" - vol. 4 of pics

Like I have stated here before, I have TONS of pictures from the lost 1930 film "The Golden Calf". As I get further into my collection, I feel a deep sense of loss that this feature is missing. El was really hitting his stride at Fox with the success of his previous film, "Sunny Side Up", and "The Golden Calf" was sandwiched between that picture and the song/dance spectacular which turned out to be his first starring vehicle, "Movietone Follies of 1930". This film might have been another opportunity to see a really great role for El before the bosses at Fox started handing him crappy scripts.

I have probably one more of these "Golden Calf" photo sets to post before we can finally say good night and move on, that is unless someone has the original sound discs for the film and we can try to recreate it a la "London After Midnight".


Lolita of the Classics said...

The interesting thing about lost films though - every now and then a copy is found and restored. Think Beyond the Rocks!

KING OF JAZZ said...

I'm half tempted to explore every basement in Poland for this film!