Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy 120th b-day, El!!

Today marks the 120th birthday of Elmer Goodfellow Brendel, born March 25th, 1891. What better way to celebrate than posting some rare pics from his career and maybe watching "Just Imagine" later on!!!

This photo comes from the April 1924 issue of Theater Magazine and shows El in one of his vaudeville routines. I have some reviews reporting the "broom" act went over extremely well with audiences.

El and Polly Moran from the sadly lost film "Hot For Paris" (1929).

street candid, circa 1933-'34

This is the first still of El I ever bought. From 1940's "If I Had My Way".

with Sue Carol from another lost film, "The Golden Calf" (1930)

with Joan Wheeler from some film magazine touting El's latest Vitaphone short. Eventually "Hill Billy" would be released in 1934 as "Radio Scout".

This is certainly a rare one. Judging by El's appearance I would date this to be from the late 50's. I don't know if this was a radio show he was on or just performing on stage. Nothing is written on the back of the still so I have absolutely no info on this one.


Stacia said...

Oh my goodness, look at those pics! I've never seen El so young.

Louie said...

I got as few of him even younger, stay tuned.

Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday El!

By the way, the "Hill Billy" photo is from the January 1935 issue of "Film Fun" Magazine.