Monday, April 5, 2010

An Imperial A-side surfaces!

As I wrote last December, El Brendel released 2 records on the Imperial label in 1950. I already posted the recording of "A Pinch of Snoose" and thanks to a reader of the blog, Liz, the A-side of the disc has surfaced! For your listening pleasure, here's El singing his way through "Yumpin' Yimminy":

I am STILL in search of the recordings from the other record ("Frankie and Johnny" / "Hulda" Imperial 8086) so I would LOVE to hear from anyone who has the disc!


Eric Stott said...

Ok, that was definitely. . .different. I did like one line though: "She had what it takes- but she didn't have what gives"

Anonymous said...

Cool site!

La Petite Gallery said...

I just found your site. Very interesting, I'll be back..


La Petite Gallery said...

Hi It's only me...
